Ingenious Learners

Cracking the Math Code: Signs Your Child Needs Help and How to Support Them

Children around the world struggle with math. A common compliant heard by parents is that it’s too hard or they are not smart enough. Unfortunately, for many children, this thought process is keeping them from grasping the logic behind the numbers. 

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While the above is true for most students, what is also true is that the lack of necessary resources is keeping them behind. As per a study by Research Gate that interviewed high school students from four different counties found students in general lacked an interest in mathematics. Only 4% of students interviewed actually showed aptitude in advanced mathematical concepts. The study went on to indicate that the 4% students who were interested, had some form of learning assistance that went beyond the school curriculum. 

For the remaining students, mathematics might seem like a hurdle or a feat of genius. However, this is hampering a child from reaching their full potential to the extent of having a negative impact on their future.

For parents, the reasons and symptoms for this disconnect vary from child to child, which is why we’ll describe and assist you in understanding:

Signs of children struggling with math

One of the most obvious signs of a child struggling with math is by what they say says about the subject.

When your child says things like “I hate math” or “I’m not good at math” and avoids math-related activities, it’s usually a sign that they are having difficulty with this subject. 

Have you noticed your child becoming anxious around talks about math? This can be during class, before an exam, or while working on a homework assignment. Even if they understand the concepts, math triggers anxiety that leads to them forgetting key concepts.

Is your child getting higher grades in all subjects except math? Lower math grades could lead students to focusing on subjects in which they are good at, rather than focusing on their shortcomings in math.

Memory could have a significant effect on how individuals see numbers. Despite having previously learned fundamental math concepts and facts, your child may need help remembering and applying them correctly.

Making connections between previous and new teachings is essential in mathematics as it is cumulative. Having difficulties growing on earlier math concepts will limit a child’s ability to learn new math skills in a meaningful, long-term way.

How to help a child struggling with math

One of your primary objectives as a parent is to help your child succeed. However, keep in mind that finding a problem is the first step toward solving it. Understanding the signs listed above will help you determine precise concerns that your child may have.

To take things a step further, we’ve listed some strategies you can apply at home to help your kid transform math into a subject they love.

For some students, all it takes is a change in perspective from something they hate to something they like. The traditional pen-and-paper approach will only work in specific cases, post that you will need to get innovative. Consider reintroducing math to your child through a game-like lens. This includes word problems, arithmetic books, and more. 

Math is all around us and in our daily lives, but do your children understand that? Integrating math into their daily routine might help kids understand and appreciate its importance. So, what are you waiting for? Start learning by doing!

Involve your youngster in activities such as shopping, cooking, and gardening. Each of these real-world applications combines numbers, facts, and concepts, which may help solidify knowledge and understanding.

Some parents have been out of education for a long time and are unfamiliar with particular teaching methodologies. Others are uncomfortable becoming the home teacher. This is why some parents consider going to online math learning programs.

At Ingenious Learners Academy, we have a team of professional tutors and educators who are committed to assisting students of all ages and skill levels in achieving their academic objectives. To keep students involved and motivated, we use a variety of activities such as discussions, problem-solving, group work, role-playing, and other forms of active learning.  

Final Thoughts!

Struggling with math can negatively impact children’s confidence and self-esteem, but it’s a common problem among students. The good news is that there are practical ways to help, starting with explaining to them that everyone struggles, including yourself, and that everyone has strengths. Ingenious Learners Academy believes in encouraging kids to overcome challenges and succeed. We support your kids and help them achieve their greatest potential.

Take the first step towards your child’s success by enrolling them in online math learning programs!

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